Latest Job Notifications

Latest Job Notifications:

Latest Job Notifications:

Latest Job Notifications: Find Your Dream Job Today!


Are you on the lookout for new job opportunities? Look no further! We have curated a comprehensive list of the latest job notifications to help you land your dream job. Whether you are an experienced professional or a fresh graduate, our job listings cover a wide range of industries and positions.

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Lulu Group is hiring for various vacancies abroad Men can apply. Latest Job Notifications:

Vacancies for Salesman / Cashier, South Indian Cook, Baker, Butcher, Fishman, Snack Maker, Shawarma Maker, Security, Tailor etc.

Experience: 3 years
Salesman / Cashier: 21 – 29 years
Other Post: 23 – 35 Years

Submit resume online with passport copy and color photograph.

Submit along with resume, passport copy and color photograph to the office (Emmay projects – old cotton mill) at Natika, Thrissur between 24th and 25th June 2023



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